At Faith Christian, we want to base our beliefs not on our feelings or opinions, but on the Bible. We are committed to sound Biblical teaching of the Word of God. At no time in the history of the church has there been a perfect congregation. However, there are fundamentals of the faith we can be certain of and hold tightly to. If you have any questions about Jesus, faith, the Bible, God or anything pertaining to Christianity, please contact us. Have a blessed day!
The Bible never tries to prove God's existence. It was written in such a way that assumes His existence based on the overwhelming evidence for it seen in creation and in human reason. God has many attributes to His person. Ultimately and above all else, God is Holy. He is above all things, different than all created things. His holiness requires that He is also a God of justice, always doing the right thing. He never does otherwise. He is a God of love. His love made the way through Jesus to pay the penalty our sins required, thus satisfying His holiness and justice. He is a God of ultimate power. There is nothing God cannot do. He is a God of ultimate knowledge and widsom. There is nothing He does not know. He is ever present. There is nowhere in place or time where He is not. Finally, God is faithful. His person and His promises are unchanging.
Jesus, the most famous person and most recognized name in the history of the world is the cornerstone of the Christian faith (Eph 2:20). Upon Him everything else is built. Jesus is the Son of God. Born supernaturally to Mary by the seed of the Holy Spirit, Jesus was and is the Son of God. He is the Creative power of God, the vessel of God's forgiveness and is the object of the believer's worship. As Son of God, He shares fully in the person and nature of God the Father (Jn 14:9). He is fully God and at the same time fully man. That fact uniquely qualifies Him to be the redeemer of sinful man. The fundamental belief in Jesus centers around His sinless life on earth, His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension into heaven where He sits right now interceding to the Father on our behalf, and is now king over His Kingdom, the Church.
In the six days of creation one achievement of God stood head and shoulders above the rest. On days 1-5 God created all the other aspects of the creation and said they were good. But on the sixth day of creation God created man and only then did He say it is VERY GOOD!. Man is uniquely special among God's creation, being created in the image of God, with a heart yearning for God, with an intellect, and a moral code implanted in Him by God. Man is God's crowning achievement of creation. How can we see ourselves as anything but special?
God placed Adam and Eve, the first humans on the earth, in a garden for them to enjoy and work and exercise dominion over, giving them only one prohibition. They could eat of every tree in the garden except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil under the penalty of death. Upon the temptation of the devil who brought doubt in their minds to the authority of God's command, and appealing to the physical nature of man, they ate of the fruit and with that sin entered the world. At that point they died in that they separated themselves from the special relationship they had previously enjoyed with God. sin is a choice we make just as it was a choice Adam and Eve made. And based upon the choice we make is guilt imputed to us. It is not based on inherited guilt we receive from our ancestors passed down since Adam and Eve. Our own sins make us guilty (Ezekiel 18:20, Romans 3:23, Hebrews 2:10). Those sins require justice for God to be true to His nature of holiness (Romans 6:23) Not only does sin make us guilty, but sin also corrupts the inner man. The more we sin the easier it is to sin, and our minds become morally and spiritually depraved. (2 Peter 2:10, Romans 1:28).
The dual problems brought on by sin, that of personal guilt and moral decay and corruption require a dual remedy. Redemption solves both problems. First, God has made the way through His son that we may come to Him on His terms. His terms are as follows.
We must first come in faith, believing that God is the absolute authority meaning what He says an doing what He says He will do. Christian Faith believes based on the basis of Christ's completed work for us on Calvary's Cross. Faith is defined as the acceptance of testimony (John 17:20; 20:31, and Romans 10:17). Faith is a decision you make based on the evidence of Christianity to believe just as rejection is also a decision.
Second, believing in God's Holiness and Love, and considering Christ's sacrificial death for us, that should spark the response of repentance, a change of lifestyle and purpose; no longer embracing the world's values and the pulls of the flesh, but striving for God's values and denying self, bearing our own cross. In repentance The sinner accepts Christ. But redempption is not yet complete.
Third, the sinner must be immersed in water (baptism). Baptism has been defined as an outward sign of an inward grace, but it is much larger than that. Baptism is an act of obedience whereby God works in the heart of the believer, creating new life (Colossians 2:12). It is our signature on the covenant of grace (I Peter 3:21). Baptism is where the dual remedy for the dual threat of sin occurs in which 1) our sins are forgiven (Acts 2:38; 22:16) and we are given the Holy Spirit to dwell inside us (Acts 2:38, I Corinthians 12:13)
The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. He is imparted at baptism (Acts 2:38) as a seal(Ephesians 1:13) and the spiritual influence working through the Word of God to make the Christian like Jesus.
The Body of Christ
In Matthew 16 Jesus asked His disciples who they said He was. Peter famously said, "You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God." And in verse 18 Jesus said "Upon this rock I will build my church..." That Rock to which He was referring was the foundation upon which the Church would be built, the truth of who Christ really is, the Son of God. And beginning on the Day of Pentecost, the church has been in existence ever since.
Often Jesus spoke of the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of heaven. Only twice did Jesus mention the church. In Matthew 16:19 Jesus said He would give Peter the keys of the kingdom of heaven, after having just spoken of the church. Jesus also came preaching the kingdom of heaven in Matthew 417 after His baptism and temptations. Mark also records the message Jesus preached, calling it the Kingdom of God. The church is undeniably identified as the Kingdom of heaven/ God.
The mission of the church is also undeniable. It is the same mission Christ was given in Luke 19:10, " seek and to save what was lost." Before His ascension in Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus gave His disciples the Great Commission which can be summed up in three parts. 1) make disciples (teach), 2) baptize into the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and 3) teach obedience in all things.
The Return of Jesus
In John 14 Jesus began comforting His disciples before He faced the cross. He told them in verse 3 that he would be going away but would come back to one day take us to heaven. There is much controversy about how exactly that will happen, but certain things are sure. 1) Jesus is returning. 2) the dead will receive a new body. 3) Christians will spend eternity in heaven. Those outside of Christ will be eternally condemned. Therefore Paul says in I Thessalonians 4:18 to comfort one another with these words. In the end, Christians WIN!!!